
Awards Information - 2024

CCONS believes in promoting the outstanding work of its members through CCONS Awards. Recognize the great work of a chapter member by nominating them for the President, Mentorship, or Rookie of the Year Award (see details below). Presentation of award winners will be held during the chapter recognition dinner.

2023 CCONS Scholarship and Award Committee Chair / Co-Chair: Renee Shalvoy / Diana McMahon

Award Name Description Application
Nomination Form
President's Recognize a current member of CCONS for professional contribution to the chapter during the past year, (current President’s outgoing term). The contribution made must have improved the quality of the organization. This may be related to membership issues, program development, facilitation of processes, or enhancement of outcomes. March 30, 2024 CCONS_President_Award_Nomination_2023.docx
Mentorship Recognize a current CCONS member of the for significant contributions in the area of professional leadership at local, regional, and national levels. Contributions to nursing should focus on but are not limited to: networking, collaboration, mentorship, education, and support. Ideally, the contributions should significantly enhance the professional development of other nursing colleagues. March 30, 2024 CCONS_Mentorship_Award__Nomination_2023.docx
Rookie of the Year Recognize a current CCONS member who has made a professional contribution to the chapter during their first or second year as a member. These contributions must have improved the quality of the organization and may be related to membership issues, program development, facilitation of processes, enhancement of outcomes, running and being elected for an office, being appointed to an office or committee with an active contribution. March 30, 2024 CCONS_Rookie_of_the_Year_Nomination_2023.docx