Oncology Nursing Foundation Fundraising Campaign Constituent Groups Task Force

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Signup Deadline: 02-23-2024
Starts: 03-04-2024
Ends: 12-01-2025


The Oncology Nursing Foundation (ONF) is launching a new campaign to support oncology nurses as they deserve. As we look towards the future and the celebration of ONS’ 50th Anniversary, we are launching an $8 million fundraising campaign to ensure the Foundation continues supporting oncology nurses in the way they need for the next 50 years.
This campaign will allow us to build the Sustaining Impact Fund, which will be a source of flexible funds to react in real-time to the pressing needs of oncology nurses. The campaign also will support the creation of the first-in-its-kind Oncology Nursing History Center to honor the contribution of oncology nurses to cancer treatment and the health sector.
The Constituent Groups Taskforce will support the Foundation’s outreach to the following specific constituencies:
  • Corporations and foundations
  • Next generation of ONS members
  • ONS chapters
  • Non-ONF donors, patients and grateful families

The Task Force will help create engagement strategies for specific constituencies. The task force will be segmented by focus area and will be chaired by a volunteer leader or leaders who will guide the work of the groups and serve as liaisons with the Foundation.

  • All volunteer work on this task force will be done by virtual meetings and email, no travel required.
  • You can expect to spend 3 - 5 hours a month, including quarterly meetings in this volunteer role.

Volunteers Needed:

20 (17 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary




Angie Stengel, CAE MSC