ONS has partnered with Zoom, a webinar platform, to provide licenses to ONS chapters. This technology will allow interested chapters to broadcast their meetings and events virtually, in the hopes of engaging more of your chapter membership. These webinars can also be recorded, and saved for viewing at a later date.
Due to the cost of this service, ONS has developed an application process to make sure that only those chapters showing serious interest in using this technology are considered. Chapters must agree to the following terms to be eligible for consideration:
- Chapters must agree to utilize their webinar license at least four (4) times per year.
- Chapters must agree to utilize their webinar license at least once within the first three (3) months of receiving the license.
- Chapters agree to only utilize their webinar license for official ONS chapter business.
- ONS will select which chapters receive a Zoom license at ONS’s sole discretion.
- Chapters must comply with all Zoom terms, conditions, and policies.
Any violation of the above terms will result in the chapter forfeiting the rights to their webinar license.
Interested chapters can submit an application here: https://oncologynursingsociety.formstack.com/forms/chapter_webinar_application Please note that the submission of an application does not automatically guarantee a webinar license.