
Aloha and welcome to the Hawaii (Oahu) Chapter ONS Webpage!
Serving the State of Hawaii, the Hawaii (Oahu) Chapter invites you to browse our site and participate
in our events and other offerings.

2025 Manaolana Nomination


Nurse of Hope - 2025

Recognizing Excellence in Oncology Nursing in Hawai'i 

The nurse selected for the honor of representing
Hawaii’s oncology nurses will receive professional recognition
and financial assistance to attend a national ONS meeting.


Nominations may be made by co-workers, patients, families or self.
All nominees will be sent further information and an application.

Nomination form and eligibility criteria: See links below.

For more information email Nick at naina@hawaii.edu




ONS 50th Anniversary Celebration

The 50th Anniversary of ONS is in 2025, next year! Joanne Itano and Ryan Iwamoto are on the National ONS 50th Anniversary Committee and want to ensure that the experiences of oncology nurses through the years in Hawaii are represented in the national celebration.


Recently, past leaders of oncology nursing in Hawaii met to discuss thoughts, memories and accomplishments about cancer nursing and ONS for the 50th anniversary coming up next year. 

There is a Zoom meeting for those who were unable to attend and would like to contribute to the discussion for the anniversary celebration.  


The meeting is May 1, 2024 from 5:30pm-7:00pm.  If you would like to participate contact: Joanne Itano at itanoj001@gmail.com.

Pictured from left to right are: Bottom row: Beth Freitas, Lori Conley, Carol Kotsubo, Elyse Sporkin, Chris Fukumoto. Top row: Sharon Yamaguchi, Carol Abrigo, Joanne Itano, Cindy Kaneshiro, Gail Smith, Diane Nakagaki, Ryan Iwamoto.

Letter from the Chapter President

Aloha and welcome to 2024 with the Hawaii Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society!

This year holds great potential for our members and the oncology community. We have several new additions to the Board of Directors, and a great selection of engagement opportunities.

I’m excited to be embarking on my term as President of the Board. I’ve been a long-time member of the ONS and the former Treasurer. I have been a long-time member of the ONS Conference planning committee and am myself a former Mana’Olana Award Recipient. My experience has shown me what value the Hawaii ONS chapter brings to the community, and on behalf of the Board of Directors, we are excited to continue the work of supporting our local oncology nurses and patients. 

Joining me this year are new board members Ali Alfaro (Treasurer), Diane Bolosan (Secretary) and Carl Pitre (Director-at-Large, Oahu).  We are fortunate to have continuing their service, Carrie Hovland (Director-at-Large, Kauai), Julie Leach (Director-at-Large, Hawaii Island), Rachel Thelen (Director-at-Large, Maui), Kristen Thompson (Director-at-Large, Oahu), Lori Conley (Past President/Dinner Programs) and Stephanie Guy (Nominations).  We also have a few nominated positions, Tara Vaughn (Web Master/Social Media), Carol Kotsubo (Archivist) and Julie Sestak (Dinner Programs).  This is the group that makes ONS Hawaii work!

Each year the ONS works hard to offer a comprehensive selection of events to enrich and grow our membership. This year we are glad to be offering multiple educational dinners and continuing education (CE) options. Another welcome addition to our schedule will be Oncology Advance Practice Provider focused dinners to engage our oncology APRN community. The pinnacle of our calendar of events, as it has been in the past, is the annual ONS Conference, to be held at the Four Seasons Resort Oahu at Ko’ Olina. This year’s conference will be filled with presentations from thought leaders from around the country and from our local community. It also gives us all the chance to interact with our industry supporters.

Growing our membership is something we on the board are all committed to. ONS membership indicates a commitment to being a true oncology professional. Please connect with us! Reach out to the board and other members to let us know how we can serve you. And let those new to the islands know about this wonderful group of dedicated oncology professionals. We look forward to working with you all and advancing oncology nursing throughout the islands.

Thank you and Aloha,


President, ONS Hawaii Chapter

Contact US

 Have a question, comment or suggestion?
email: info@onshawaii.com

ONS Hawaii 2024 Conference

Registration Now Open! 
Prices Increase after July 29, 2024 and registration closes August 9, 2024 at 5:00 pm. No same day/walk-in registrations.
Dear Hawaii (Oahu) Members,

The ONS Hawaii (Oahu) Chapter's annual conference will be held in person on August 16, 2024. The event will feature vendors, door prizes, a silent auction, and an awards luncheon. For more information, please refer to the Registration flyer and visit the conference website to stay up to date. We look forward to seeing everyone in attendance!


Mana`olana Nurse of Hope Award

Nicholas Aina, BSN, CPHON
Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children

Mana'olana 2024



Sharon Tamashiro, BSN, RN, OCN
Clinical Operations Manager

Oncology Research Department 

Queen's Medical Center



APPOS Conference Highlights

Hello Hawaii (Oahu) Members!  Dee Ann Omatsu and Carl Pitre recently attended the Advanced Practice Providers Oncology Summit (APPOS) Conference and put together conference highlights to share with you.

Please reach out to Carl and Dee Ann for more information and questions. Thank you, Dee and Carl!


Webinar: Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer

Pre-recorded webinar available! Watch now.

Jaimie Vickery hosts a discussion about special nursing considerations for oncology nurses caring for adolescents and young adults with cancer. Featuring Alison Silberman, CEO of Stupid Cancer Inc., and Amy R. Newman, PhD, RN, CPNP-PC, an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing at Marquette University and a pediatric nurse practitioner in the MACC Fund Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children’s Wisconsin.

Oncology APRN Seminar

Hello Everyone! Sharing a fantastic opportunity for the oncology APRN. See attached flyer for more details.


SIOP Congress Seeking Volunteers!

SIOP Congress is seeking conference volunteers to assist with logistic operations at the 2024 Congress being hosted here in HONOLULU! I would like to invite ONS members to join in volunteering if interested this November, additional information attached below.

The International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) is the only global multidisciplinary society entirely devoted to paediatric and adolescent cancer. The society has over 1800 members worldwide including doctors, nurses, other health-care professionals, scientists and researchers. SIOP members are dedicated to increasing knowledge about all aspects of childhood cancer. SIOP’s vision is that no child should die of cancer and that cure can be achieved with no or minimal late effects.



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