
CACONS General Membership Conference Scholarship

Award: The award supports nurses interested in attending oncology based nursing conferences to further his or her knowledge and skills in oncology nursing. Award amount up to $2,000 scholarship can be used for conference registration, travel, and lodging expenses.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be current, active CACONS member in good standing.
  • Written application must be submitted by the posted deadline to be considered.
  • Provide a short essay summarizing why you wish to attend this conference and how it would benefit your practice in oncology nursing.
  • If awarded scholarship, you will be required to provide a brief summary of your experience and information learned at the conference within 60 days of returning from the conference.
  • In addition to the application please provide the following:
    1. Copy of conference itinerary
    2. Current CV/Resume

Awards will be voted on by CACONS board and distributed as appropriate.

Please send all scholarship application materials to

Exclusions: CACONS board members are not eligible to apply for general member scholarships.