Please join us for the SWONS BMTCN Exam Prep Course! This course is designed as a content review and is intended for those with experience in oncology nursing practice who plan to sit for the Blood & Marrow Transplant Certified Nurse Exam.
Please note, the course will move quickly. There is a significant amount of content listed on the ONCC test blueprint – unfortunately, more than can be covered in-depth in a 7.5 hour course. The planners and presenters have worked together to determine which content to cover more thoroughly vs. which content to touch on more briefly.
The course should be considered one piece of your study plan. Our hope is that you find it to be a great supplement to other independent studying.
New this year - to encourage participants to register & take the exam following the course, the first 5 attendees to successfully complete the exam and achieve their certification will receive a $50 Amazon gift card!
Online payment via PayPal and/or credit card required. Click the "Check out with PayPal" link & follow instructions. You may check out as a "guest" using a credit card - you do not need to have a PayPal account.
2025 BMTCN Exam Prep Course Flyer
Click the flyer above for more details!