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ONS Chapter Course Opportunity: Medical Surgical Update

  • 1.  ONS Chapter Course Opportunity: Medical Surgical Update

    Posted 09-27-2023 11:09

    ONS Chapter Course Opportunity

    Hello Chapter Members,

    Fox Chase Cancer Center is holding a Medical Surgical Update Course on Wednesday, November 1st and Wednesday, November 8th. (FCCC Auditorium) in -person (7:45 am-4:45pm) 7/75 contact hrs.

    The course is to help prepare nurses who would like to take their Medical Surgical Nursing Certification Exam. I am attaching the flyer and agenda to the email.

    Please feel free to pass this information on to anyone in the Bucks/Mont ONS Chapter and fellow colleagues and nurse friends you know who may be interested in taking the course

    **Course Flyer and itinerary attached 

    Bucks Montgomery Chapter Board